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View Full Version : Nintendo Switch the Key to gaming ?

December 17th, 2017, 22:11
The Nintendo Switch is a bloody smart idea, it may not be the most powerful home console but because of its ability to do so much its a gamechanger, heres part of the article from Kotaku:

When I was a kid, video games felt like they were for kids. They were platform games with furry animal mascots. They were as vibrant and sugary as the cordial I guzzled whilst playing them. Even zeitgeist games like Street Fighter II, while technically violent, represented the benign violence of the playground. It was Jean Claude Van Damme. A spontaneous crowd around 8-year-olds that can’t punch properly.
Then, when I was a teenager, video games were as clumsy as I was. The leap to 3D was as awkward as puberty. Video games had hair on their chest and nowhere to put all their bizarre, messed up sexual energies. The writing was like terrible teenage poetry. We stumbled over words, our voices breaking as we tripped over our slow-moving, train-wreck avatars.
“You were almost a Jill Sandwich”.
Video games were Resident Evil, Tomb Raider. We loved these video games then. They made sense in context. In 2017 it’s like cringing through a re-read of our crusty teenage diaries.

full article here --> http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2017/12/15/the-nintendo-switch-gave-me-back-my-video-games