View Full Version : Ian Beer’s iOS 11.1.2 exploit released and v0rtex exploit (=>iOS 10.3.3)

December 17th, 2017, 22:27
Those of you who jailbreak their Apple iPhones, iMacs and iPads will love this news, heres the info:

Ian Beer tweeted on his newly-created Twitter account that he had an exploit for iOS 11.1.2 (which was patched on iOS 11.2) that granted the user tfp0 access. Tfp0 (task at pid 0) is said to be about 80% of a jailbreak as it gives the user the ability to run code with kernel privileges (the highest privilege code can be run at).
Now, Ian Beer released his exploit to the public so that other talented developers could develop it further so that a full jailbreak or some type of hack becomes available for the general public. Lately, Jonathan Levin (@Morpehus______ (https://twitter.com/Morpheus______)) seems to have become quite interested in exploiting iOS 11.1.2 so maybe he’s on to something! He’s also mentioned that the Apple TV has a good chance of getting pwned as he wishes to update LiberTV to work on tvOS 11.x since Ian Beer’s exploit works on tvOS 11.x (versions based on iOS 11.1.2 or lower) as well! If you want a jailbreak, you should really downgrade to iOS 11.1.2 if you’re on iOS 11.2.

Ian Beer’s bug report (+ exploit download link if you think you can get it to work): https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1417#c3
Tweet about S1guza’s exploit working on the iPhone 7 (A10): https://twitter.com/s1guza/status/940075084353380354
Tweet about tihmstar getting v0rtex to work on 32-bit (A6) devices: https://twitter.com/tihmstar/status/940751131709292545
Instructions to downgrade to iOS 11.1.2 from iOS 11.2 without restoring: https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/7hqyyh/upcoming_ios_1112_tfp0_exploit_by_ian_beee (https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/7hqyyh/upcoming_ios_1112_tfp0_exploit_by_ian_beee/dqtt5z5/)

via http://wololo.net/2017/12/13/ian-beers-ios-11-1-2-released-v0rtex-exploit-ios-10-3-3-ported-iphone-7-32-bit-devices-gets-tfp0-access-sandbox-escape/