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View Full Version : Anatomy of a Wii U: The End...?

January 17th, 2018, 19:17
Heres a post from Eurasia talking about the hacking of the WiiU:

[source: hexkyz @ blogspot.com (http://hexkyz.blogspot.com/2018/01/anatomy-of-wii-u-end.html)] Welcome to a new write-up! Last time I wrote one of these was months ago, but I had good reasons for that (*cough*Switch*cough*).

Since as early as March, I've been working non-stop on hacking and reverse engineering the Switch alongside extremely talented hackers/developers such as plutoo, derrek, yellows8 and SciresM.
Together we have achieved incredible milestones and I'm really glad all our hard work eventually paid off.

That said, let's move on to the reason for this post: the Wii U.
If you are one of those few enthusiasts that still care about this console, you might recall last year's CCC where derrek, naehrwert and nedwill showcased their progress in hacking the last bits of the 3DS and Wii U.
Back then, they demonstrated their own exploitation path for taking down both the PPC and ARM processors on the Wii U, which was something that had already been publicly achieved using different bugs/exploits. This was also achieved much earlier by the hacking group fail0verflow which showcased their findings during the 30th edition of the CCC (back in 2013).

More here http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3658