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View Full Version : Grand Theft Auto finally adds multiplayer mode

October 1st, 2005, 10:30
Source- Joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/entry/1234000067061344/)

Rockstar has just announced multiplayer support for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, a first for the best-selling Grand Theft Auto series of games.

The Liberty City Stories website has been updated with details, and IGN has posted an article on their experience with multiplayer mode. This is the game that will finally breathe life into the PSP’s ho-hum game line-up. Multiplayer mode will be hot, like scalding coffee hot.

October 1st, 2005, 12:47
the multiplayer news is indeed great but everyone seems to think gta started with gta3...gta1 had lan play too and it rocked.

The three of the seven multiplayer games which they've given details of sound like great fun as i am sure the other four will be too.

If this isn't the reason to buy a PSP and at least one original game then you might as well not bother at all :)

October 1st, 2005, 14:18
the multiplayer news is indeed great but everyone seems to think gta started with gta3...gta1 had lan play too and it rocked.

GTA1 on a LAN was great. Played that back in the day.

Not only that, but PC gamers have been playing multiplayer GTA3 for years with the Multi-Theft-Auto mod. There's mods for all three versions (GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas).



So while the addition of multiplayer on the PSP is great news, it's not the first time it's been done by a longshot.

October 2nd, 2005, 04:36
Ho Hum?? Burnout is NOT a Ho Humm game. Ok, maybe Untold Legends wasn't the best Diablo clone ever made, but it kept me happy for many weeks with it's simple smash, grab, and level up gameplay. Dynasty Warriors was also pretty good, and so was Tony Hawk, although both games wore out my thumbs too much to be played. I'm too old for hammering buttons for hours at a time. But still, hardly Ho Hum. Freak'n Amazing is more like it! Compared to the DS line that I suffered through for 6 months waiting for the PSP to be released, the PSP line up was huge!

I mean, geezz, what do you people expect? They can't all be Halo and GTA out of the gate. I've owned 6 consoles, I *KNOW* Ho-Hum launch titles. PSP was not Ho Hum. (although the price is still INSANELY high...)

October 2nd, 2005, 05:02
psp is the same price as the ps2 was, and it comes with a memory card, AND its own screen... i mean COME ON, sure it has only 3/4ths the power, but come on man!!! ITS OWN SCREEN, AN MP3 PLAYER!!! A PORTABLE MOVIE PLAYER!!!! its a good deal!