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View Full Version : U-Boot Released for the Nintendo Switch

April 9th, 2018, 19:54
Heres a new hacking release for the Nintendo Switch:

After a few early setbacks, developer @ShinyQuagsire has been able to get U-Boot working on his Switch console, now this is nothing ground-breaking as you will still need a 'custom binary loader' to do anything useful in the NVidia DFU mode (http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/accessing-the-nintendo-switch-secure-boot-area.44194/) which can be triggered by removing the eMMC module (no Switch NAND found), or by dangerously shorting out something as recently explained in the FAQ: Fusée Gelée Exploit (http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/reswitch-developer-releases-faq-on-their-upcoming-fus%C3%A9e-gel%C3%A9e-exploit.46748/) but once all the rest of the puzzle pieces are released we might be able to do something useful and cool on our exploitable firmwares after connecting the proper USB-C to A cable to our PC and uploading some custom code (bring your own loader) via the now released forked version of U-Boot for the Switch.
ShinyQuagsire said:

tfw stuff is Just Working

OK low-key, I got u-boot set up on my Switch so that I could have fastboot for faster iteration time or w/e, but this USB mass storage gadget is even better. Can even rig up u-boot scripts to prop up sdcard/emmc mass storage with different volume button combos.

Probably gonna push sources within a day or so btw, right now you kinda need UART to debug anything (no LCD, USB power is broke, not sure if it's worth the effort tbh), so bring your own hax-con I guess?

(yeah I realize that this isn't that useful w/o vulns but it'll be nice to have cool stuff ready for when they actually drop)

Switch u-boot sources live at https://github.com/shinyquagsire23/u-boot …, bring your own loader.

via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/u-boot-released-for-the-nintendo-switch-by-shinyquagsire.46754/