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View Full Version : SWITCH RELEASE: HacTool v1.1.0 by @SciresM

May 5th, 2018, 09:50
Heres one of the major releases for the Nintendo Switch Scene:

Scene developer @SciresM is back finally with a much needed update to his 'HacTool' that now handles all the newly discovered 'Switch File Formats', and recently released Keys (not supplied with his package, but support is when you 'find them'), so enjoy!

Keydata can be baked in at compile-time, or loaded from an external key file. See README.md and KEYS.md for details. In addition, a secure boot key + TSEC key + boot0 file pair can be passed in with an external key file to derive all keys it is possible to know given the information one has.

New Features:

Added support for NAX0 (Nintendo Aes Xts File(system), SD Card content)
Added support for key derivation using EKS (keyblobs) and sbk/tsec key
Support was added for pre-1.0.0 "NCA2" content.

Bugs fixed:

BKTR did not support the non-single bucket case, affecting games with huge patches (Splatoon 2, maybe others)
Too many small ones to count http://www.maxconsole.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

The following Switch file formats are supported:

Package1 (PK11)
Package2 (PK21)
NAX0 (New)

Compilation is still annoying, so a pre-compiled build is provided for Windows users.

OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/SciresM/hactool/releases

via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/switch-release-hactool-v1-1-0-by-sciresm.46914/