View Full Version : SWITCH RELEASE: moonflower

May 5th, 2018, 09:52
The Switch releases keep on coming:

The original 'fusedump' by scene developer @moriczgergo has been scraped and now been replaced with moonflower which is much more stable payload for use with your frozen rocket experiments on your Nintendo Switch console, so check it out below:

moonflower (License/GPLv2)

A fuse and GPIO dumper for the Switch, to be used with fusée gelée.

NOTE: Your dump may contain sensitive info that you probably don't want to leak.


Build moonflower.bin, or grab one from our releases (https://github.com/moriczgergo/moonflower/releases).
Run fusée gelée with moonflower.bin instead of fusee.bin.

This section is required by the original license of Atmosphere, GPLv2.

This originates from ktemkin's fork of Atmosphere (https://github.com/ktemkin/Atmosphere) (branch: poc_nvidia).
exosphere has been stripped out, only fusee remains.
main.c has been modified to print the fuse and GPIO data.
Makefile has been modified to only build moonflower.
.gitignore has been modified to apply to the new directory structure.
README.md has been modified.
shutdown_using_pmic() (src/main.c) is from rajkosto's biskeydump (https://github.com/rajkosto/biskeydump).

Responsibility: Don't blame me if damage happens to your Switch. (There shouldn't be any damage tho'.)


rajkosto, for helping me out with GPIO stuff, and for the PMC shutdown code.
ktemkin, for making fusee gelee, and releasing a fusee payload POC.
SciresM, for making Atmosphère.
Everyone in the ReSwitched Discord. <3

OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/moriczgergo/moonflower

via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/switch-release-moonflower-by-moriczgergo.46895/