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View Full Version : SeaWorld Orlando - Kraken VR Returning

June 2nd, 2018, 20:20
Is Kraken VR working it's way back to SeaWorld Orlando? It looks that way. According to a new photo tweeted out the other night, the VR headgear pouches have returned to Kraken's trains on rows 3 through 7. Nothing else has returned and the ride is still operating normally, but you can expect the load times to increase significantly once again once the VR gear returns. Just in time for the busy summer season, right?
Sorry guys, I know tons of you dislike what happens when you put VR on a popular coaster like Kraken, but at least the first two rows are being kept VR free this time around. I might suggest that they might want to look into trying a 50/50 split to help speed up the load times. I know when I visited Europa Park last summer, while they kept their Coastiality VR enhancements to the park's less popular coasters, where they could act as an actual enhancement, they would typically only put the VR riders into select rows where special staff would help speed up the loading process for them and keep things running efficiently.