View Full Version : SWITCH RELEASE: LibHac v0.1.3

October 28th, 2018, 12:29
LibHac is a .NET or .NET Core library for opening, decrypting and extracting common content file formats used by the Nintendo Switch and has been recently updated by @Thealexbarney to version 0.1.3, so check out the changes to this update below:

v0.1.3 Changelog:

Add basic save file editing. Any files already in the save file can be written to
Check validity of save files
Check validity of PFS files
Check validity of SwitchFS and SD cards
Check file hashes in HFS archives
Partial NSO support
When keys required to decrypt an NCA are missing, throw an exception with information about the missing keys.
Add more sanity checks when reading an NCA.
Read only the NCA header when first opening an NCA. This allows for reading of partial NCAs and slightly improves performance when opening an NCA.
Fix bug in CombinationStream when reading across boundaries


Add option to verify SwitchFS and SD cards
Add option to export all keys
Add PFS0 extraction
Print more information about save files

Breaking changes

The "Savefile" namespace has been renamed to "Save"
The value passed to various functions to enable integrity checks is now an enum instead of a bool
Probably a few other things

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OFFICIAL GITHub Project Page: --> https://github.com/Thealexbarney/LibHac/releases