View Full Version : Hydra Castle Labyrinth ported to the PSP

November 27th, 2018, 15:47
Sometime in 2016/7, an anonymous user on 4chan apparently worked on porting Hydra Castle Labyrinth to the Nintendo 3DS. Then, in March 2017, a GBATemp found this user’s work and brought it some visibility (https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-hydra-castle-labyrinth-3ds-port.459589/). Shortly after, the 3DS’ port source code was uploaded to GitHub (https://github.com/MegaPramuk/HCL-3DS) and it turned out that it contained a nearly complete PSP port!

(http://wololo.net/wagic/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/2018-11-23-174418.jpg)Hydra Castle Labyrinth for the PSP works quite well and it’s on-par with the PSVita port!

Fast forwarding a little under a year, in February 2018, Wololo /talk user “carstene1ns”, with the help “ptitSeb”, was able to polish up and fix up the PSP port enough so that it could enjoy by the public. I personally tested it on my PSVita via Adrenaline and these are my observations:

Sound and music work
Performance is quite good and I didn’t notice any stutters in my short play session
Both the d-pad and the analogue stick can be used for movement
There’s an option to use 1:1 scaling, to fill the screen while keeping the game’s aspect ratio (4:3) and to stretch the game to 16:9
There’s a blur mode which you can enable for smoother graphics

To get this homebrew game, follow this link to its Wololo /talk thread (http://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=48885). If you have a PSVita, you can get a native port of HCL (http://wololo.net/2017/11/10/hydra-castle-labyrinth-port-released-vitapstv-yet-another-great-side-scroller-play-go/) for it via VHBB.

via http://wololo.net/2018/11/23/overlooked-psp-releases-that-took-place-this-year-and-2-interesting-stories-about-their-origin-hydra-castle-labyrinth-port-cmfilemanager-psp-and-unipcemu/