View Full Version : XRoar v0.35.1

November 27th, 2018, 16:10
XRoar v0.35.1 is released. XRoar is a Dragon emulator for Linux, Unix, OS X, GP32, Nintendo DS and Windows. Due to hardware similarities, XRoar also emulates the Tandy Colour Computer (CoCo) models 1 & 2.

XRoar v0.35.1 Changelog:
New NX32 RAM cartridge [by Tormod Volden]
New option -ao-gain specifies volume in dBFS
New CAS CUE support
New -C option allocates debug console in Windows (must be first option)
New MOOH RAM + SD card cartridge [by Tormod Volden]
Support JVC/DSK files with non-standard sectors per track
MC6809: Assume certain page2 illegal ops are same as page0 [David Ladd]
WD279x: implement multiple-sector type 2 ops
New SN76489 sound chip support
New Games Master Cartridge support (-cart gmc)
Use SDL2 audio queueing interface where -ao-fragments > 1
Optional --disable-simulated-ntsc configure option for speed (e.g., for Raspberry Pi)
HD6309: Fix interrupt handling during TFM instruction [David Ladd]
Fixes in version 0.35.1
Fix SAM S output in map type 1 [Pere Serrat]
For version change history, see the ChangeLog.

Known issues
Possible frame rate issues on some platforms.
Build of latest version for Mac OS X confirmed broken. Nothing to test on, so fix may be a while coming.
