View Full Version : Bad Apple and Meritous ported to the PSVita

January 4th, 2019, 20:32
If you’re interested in seeing older consoles pushed to their limits, then you’ve probably seen a recurring piece of software used for this purpose.
This piece of software is the Bad Apple PV which is a video (with sound) of the Bad Apple song which is part of the Touhou project. Among available ports of this PV, we find one for the
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRdGhHEoj3o"]NES[/URL], SNES (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdWXUdP4zaI), Genesis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vPe452cegU), Chromaryu (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9gpS2b-hpE and numerous other consoles but the PSVita didn’t have a port despite it being publicly hacked for over 2 years. Now, thanks to To grab the VPK for it, simply follow this link (https://github.com/knight-ryu12/badapplevita/releases) and install it via VitaShell.[/CENTER]On the other hand, Rinnegatamante (https://twitter.com/Rinnegatamante) has ported yet another open-source game to the PSVita and this one’s called Meritous (http://asceai.net/meritous/). This game, which was ported to the Vita from its Switch port, is a dungeon crawling game in which you explore dungeons while killing enemies and listening to a pretty nice soundtrack. This is done in order to find answers about a secret, which has to do with a place of unlimited power, that lies hidden in the planet where the game takes place.If you wish to play it on your PSVita, you can get it from Vita Homebrew Browser (http://wololo.net/2018/07/15/vhbb-0-82-released-this-great-homebrew-browser-works-again-so-you-can-go-fill-up-your-h-encore-psvita-pstv-easier-than-ever-before/) (VHBB) as it’s available on VitaDB (https://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/411) and you can check out its thread on Wololo /talk (http://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?f=116&t=49637) for more information!
via [url]http://wololo.net/2019/01/04/recent-psvita-homebrew-releases-bad-apple-meritous-port-vitasnake-1-2-and-frying-master/