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View Full Version : [SWITCH] NX-Shell v1.10

January 7th, 2019, 16:01
Joel16 has updated his Shell App for the Nintendo Switch:

NX-Shell v1.10

Make cancel button functional via buttons.
Add image rotation and flipping.
Fixed portrait orientation next/previous page buttons in ebook reader.
Allow movement after image is zoomed in gallery. (Right analog stick to zoom into image, left analog stick to move around zoomed image.)
Made some minor adjustments to delta time and minor fixes with the status bar alignment.
Fixed menu bar animation timing.
Fixed buffer overflow when selecting a file with a large name.
Integrate FTP menu using mtheall's ftpd src. (Can be toggled from within the menu bar).
Fixed some dialog title alignment issues.
Fixed bug with the PLUS button causing music player to exit, when it should be toggling locked mode.
Add support for extracting .RAR files.
Added support for rendering animated GIFs. (May take a while to load, and some GIFs may have wrong timings, so far I've tested 5 GIFs and only one out of the 5 had timing issues).

If you'd like to support me, then feel free to buy me a coffee, I'd really appreciate it! https://www.paypal.me/Joel16IA

