View Full Version : Fluffy - GUI for TinFoil with Progress Bar, 5.x USB Fix & Switch Connected Indicator

January 16th, 2019, 16:45
Introducing Fluffy
A GUI for TinFoil - Works On All Firmware and TinFoil Versions

Since both TUG and AluminumFoil didn't work for me. At all. I created from scratch Fluffy.
So what's different then?
Fluffy is the first to introduce:
•Progress bar support
•Show current NSP being installed
•Switch connected indicator
•Does not depend on PyQt. Only dependency is PyUSB.
•Single script does all (UI merged with USB_Install_PC.py)
Additionally, Fluffy is compatible with both Firmware version 5.x and 6.x.
Fixes for the USB bug in 5.x was patched.


Latest Release(v1.1)

Recommended TinFoil.nro (Though, any of them with 'USB' support should work)

Why create a new one? It was necessary, I'll explain:
In order to fully implement these features and 5.x USB support and to be fully independent from PyQt. It made starting from scratch mandatory. Instead of making a pull request, I went with my own repository.

With Fluffy I've successfully installed at least 10 NSPs going without failure.

Install Python 3.x from https://www.python.org/downloads/
Install PyUSB
•Open CMD or Terminal
•Enter command: pip3 install pyusb
Double-click on Fluffy.pyw!

Going forward,
I plan to support Fluffy for the foreseeable future.

I hope this tool can help anyone and everyone that uses it,

More at https://gbatemp.net/threads/fluffy-gui-for-tinfoil-with-progress-bar-5-x-usb-fix-switch-connected-indicator.528930/