View Full Version : [SWITCH] mGBA v0.7.0

February 4th, 2019, 16:33
endrift also released a version of the GBA Emulator for the Nintendo Switch:

Changes from 0.7 beta 1

Libretro: Add Game Boy cheat support
Qt: Separate fast forward volume control (fixes #846, #1143)
Switch: Rumble support
Switch: Rotation support
Switch: Screen stretching options
Qt: State file load/save menu options
Windows installer
Tile viewer now has adjustable width
Python: Experimental audio API


3DS: Fix unused screens not clearing (fixes #1184)
Core: Remember to deinit proxy ring FIFO
Core: Reroot timing list when (de)scheduling
GB, GBA: Fix broken opposing button filter (fixes #1191)
GB, GBA Savedata: Fix leaks when loading masked save (fixes #1197)
GB Video: Fix SGB border hole size
GB Video: Changing LYC while LCDC off doesn’t affect STAT (fixes #1224)
GBA: Fix GB Player features
GBA I/O: SOUNDCNT_HI is readable when sound is off
GBA Savedata: Fix EEPROM writing codepath when savetype is not EEPROM
GBA Video: Fix caching with background toggling (fixes #1118)
Libretro: Fix adding codes with hooks
PSP2: Fix audio crackling after fast forward
PSP2: Fix audio crackling when buffer is full
Qt: Fix jumbled background when paused
Qt: Fix FPS counter on Windows
Qt: Fix focus issues with load/save state overlay
Switch: Fix incorrect mapping for fast forward cap
Wii: Fix drawing caching regression (fixes #1185)
PSP2: Fix tearing issues (fixes #1211)
Qt: Fix mapping analog triggers (fixes #495)
Qt: Grab focus when game starts (fixes #804)
Qt: Ensure FATAL logs reach log view
SDL: Fix handling of invalid gamepads (fixes #1239)


CMake: Fix libswresample version dependencies (fixes #1229)
Debugger: Minor text fixes
Debugger: Readability improvements (fixes #1238)
GB: Improved SGB2 support
GB Audio: Skip frame if enabled when clock is high
Libretro: Reduce rumble callbacks
mGUI: Add SGB border configuration option
mGUI: Add support for different settings types
Python: Minor API improvements
Qt: Ensure camera image is valid
Qt: Debugger console history

