View Full Version : sdlBasic for PSP version 0.6

June 2nd, 2008, 22:21
Deniska has posted a small update to SDL basic for PSP:

sdlBasic is a small, efficient multiplatform basic interpreter originally created by Roberto Viola in 2002.

Its core is based on wxBasic and syntax, inspired by AMOS, is easy to learn by beginners
http://www.sdlbasic.altervista.org contains the reference guides language overview, comand syntax, examples and
additional tools and resources, required for development.

The interpreter only works on custom PSP 3.XX firmwares.
Copy sdlBasic folder to ms:/PSP/GAME (or ms:/PSP/GAME3XX where XX is your custom firmware's subversion.

Using the interpreter
sdlBasic program(s) should be saved in [program_name].sdlbas file and placed in sdlBasic folder, together with EBOOT.PBP file and
fonts directory. Of course, sdlBasic folder can be renamed, and EBOOT icon/background can be replaced with a number of tools.
If only one .sdlbas file is detected in the folder, the interpreter immediately runs it. Over wise the program selection screen is displayed.

PSP-spesific features & limitations
- setdisplay() dimensions are limited to 640x480, 320x240, 480x272 (and some derivatives)
- only some keyboard keys are mapped (arrows, enter, space, escape) and available through key() / inkey commands.
- all psp buttons can be queried with getButtonJoystick() call with button indexes from 0 to 13
- mouse calls are partially implemented via the analog pad and buttons mapped to [x],[o],[triangle],[square]
- isPSP=1 and os=PSP variables are added for platform detection.
- network, mpeg and cd-control calls as well as shell() are not implemented yet.
- mp3 playbeack is not supported. Ogg, wav and tracker formats should be used instead.

version update: 0.6 has a bug fix for a memory leak during loading images.

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