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View Full Version : Sonic Robo Blast 2 and SRB2 Kart ported to the Switch

February 20th, 2019, 19:49
Sonic Robo Blast 2 (https://www.srb2.org/) is a pretty odd Sonic fan-made game that is based on the DOOM (yes, the 1993 DOOM FPS game) engine. Unlike Super Mario War, SRB2 has similar gameplay to the Sonic game series since in it, you speed through levels, collect coins and race through enemies with Genesis-esque graphics.

http://wololo.net/wagic/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/21-ss1-300x188.png (http://wololo.net/wagic/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/21-ss1.png)Sonic Robo Blast is a pretty unique Sonic game and now, it’s made its way to the Switch so you should certainly check it out when you have time!

Other than Sonic Robo Blast 2, the Switch also got a port of SRB2 Kart which as you probably guessed is a kart racing game similar to Super Mario Kart when it comes to gameplay. Amazingly enough, SRB2 Kart is also based on the DOOM engine but it manages to look quite good and it apparently has a somewhat active online following with many servers being online.
These ports, by “HeyJoeWay”, are largely based on carstene1ns’ initial ports of these games and they run at 35FPS which is the framerate they’re intended to run at. Currently, these ports have some issues including:

GPU accelerated rendering is not supported so they run at 800×450 with software rendering
Online multiplayer features don’t work
Split joycons aren’t supported
Remapping the buttons can only be done manually by configuration file editing
Local multiplayer doesn’t work in SRB2 Kart but it does in SRB2
While these seem like a lot of issues, the ports’ author says that the ports are mature enough for single player gaming which is why they were released.

To grab these ports, follow this GBATemp link (https://gbatemp.net/threads/sonic-robo-blast-2-kart-for-switch.530856/) and download them through the provided Google Drive links. Source code for the Switch ports of SRB2 (https://gbatemp.net/threads/sonic-robo-blast-2-kart-for-switch.530856/) and SRB2 Kart (https://git.magicalgirl.moe/heyjoeway/Kart-Public) is also available.
