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View Full Version : GetMyBru - AIO Homebrew installer

February 27th, 2019, 17:22
Is an 'All in one' Homebrew installer for Windows users licensed under the GNU GPL v3 License agreement, and made in C#.
This utility doesn't just support the Nintendo Switch, but also supports the Nintendo Wii U; and will also support the Wii within the future.

This utility is primarily Switch focused, and as of now only supports Homebrew for it. Later versions will improve the utility and add full support for Wii and Wii U.


You can grab the latest Automatically compiled AppVeyor build/s here (https://ci.appveyor.com/project/zoltx23/getmybru/branch/master).
You can find the source code here (https://github.com/DrHacknik/GetMyBru).
You can also find the latest Todo List here (https://github.com/DrHacknik/GetMyBru/blob/master/TODO.md).


February 28th, 2019, 11:54
At the moment, Pokemon is the highest grossing media franchise of all time. Unsurprisingly, this means that it has a lot of fans. Every single one of those fans has an opinion, and while it may come as a shock to some, those opinions don't always align.
Within the Pokemon franchise, nothing is more divisive than the mainline Pokemon games. The thing about that is, there's so many varying opinions, you can't even categorize it into just a few different mindsets. Speed Test (https://appsync.biz/speed-test/) Scrabble Word Finder (https://appsync.biz/scrabble-word-finder/) Solitaire (https://appsync.biz/solitaire/)

It's fine to want change, and it's fine to be picky about change. Some people like Pokemon Go mechanics, some people don't. Just because it's change, doesn't mean we have to like it. But some people do like it. So how can Game Freak fix that? Make it an option? Sounds like a lot of extra work.