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View Full Version : VR and AR will converge, says Unity XR lead

May 29th, 2019, 16:01
The gaming industry may be conflicted on the future of VR and AR, but as director of XR at Unity, it's Timoni West's job to remain optimistic.
And it's a job she seems to find effortless, especially as she's constantly working with the developers who are pushing innovation into the technology.
"Since the advent of what people are calling the third wave of virtual reality, Unity's numbers have been [strong]. I think 60% of all VR content is made with Unity," she says. "The number is much higher for augmented reality, with 90% of all Hololens content, for example. And obviously, we're always in the mobile space. But the cool thing about virtual reality specifically is that when it came time to make these 3D interactive worlds, Unity had been doing that for years, but people just hadn't had the headset on which to do it."
West speaks with pride as she tells me that Unity has been involved with VR from the very start in its support of developers working on every headset on the market. And it plans to keep that level of involvement with AR as the technology blossoms, a plan that led to the announcement that AR Foundation was moving into preview at GDC 2019.
