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View Full Version : Wii Homebrew Launcher 0.6

June 4th, 2008, 00:34
Hell_hibou (http://wiihomebrewlauncher.be.cx/) has released a new version of his Wii Homebrew Launcher, heres whats new:

Following various bug appeared in version 0.5, I just put online version 0.6 of Wii Homebrew Launcher. The problems encountered in version 0.5 is due to mismanagement of memory, I implement a memory manager to manage and use the memory MEM2 of the Wii, leaving a maximum of conventional memory to load homebrews.

In addition, the library LIBOGC was last for days and benefit from the rapid initialization of the wiimote (more pressing need (1) + (2)).

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June 4th, 2008, 01:36
Silly online translation tools don't always get the real meaning of certain phrases. Here's a better translation by me:

Following various bugs that appeared in version 0.5, I uploaded version 0.6 of the Wii Homebrew Launcher. The problems encountered in version 0.5 were due to mismanagement of memory. I implemented a memory manager to better manage and use the memory MEM2 of the Wii, leaving a maximum of conventional memory to load homebrews.

In addition, the LIBOGC library was updated, which in turn allows better initialization of the Wiimote (no more pressing 1+2)

As you can see, the meaning of the last part in parenthesis changes quite a bit, hehe.

June 4th, 2008, 08:42
Thanks for the news........and thank you "apapou" for the real translation.