View Full Version : Amazon's struggle is a reminder that content is still king

June 21st, 2019, 10:06
Everybody wants a piece of the action. That's the dominant sentiment around the videogame market right now -- a sense that the world's biggest companies have turned their attention on this sector, and they're all quite determined to make sure that they play a key role in its future.
Of the "FAANG" tech giants whose rapid growth (and occasional instability) has fuelled much of the stock market's movements in recent years -- that's Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google to the uninitiated -- only Netflix doesn't have a confirmed interest in getting a foot in gaming's door. Even at that, nobody would really be shocked if Netflix boss Reed Hastings were to announce tomorrow that the company is going to make a bigger push behind interactive titles or creating games that link to its other IPs as a cross-media effort.
Add in Microsoft (currently the world's largest company if measured by market capitalisation) and China's Tencent, both of which have a very significant interest in the gaming sector, and you've essentially got a who's who of the world's richest and fastest-growing companies -- all of them with their sights set on gaming. For all that Sony and Nintendo have been knocking it out of the park in recent years, it's easy to feel a little uneasy about the company they suddenly find themselves in. Even the likes of Sony starts to look like a bit of a plucky underdog when it's got Google and Amazon ramping up to compete against it.
