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View Full Version : Now Recruiting Song Writters For A Homebrew Music Team

June 4th, 2008, 09:51
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y152/Dthsix6six/THLOGOWITHTEXT.png (http://www.homebrewheaven.net/)

I've decided to start accepting members for Team Heaven, a group dedicated to producing music for people to use in their homebrew games.

I want it to be a place where coders can come to hear samples made by the team, and pick members best suited for the job based on the style of each person.

For example. I'm good at writing music for role playing games...

Some examples of my work:

But, I'm not so great at doing music for let say, Sci-Fi shooting games. If someone else on the team is better at that genre, they would get the job. Or, if they need a variety of song types, they could pick multiple people to work together.

I've written music for 6-7 games myself... For the PSP, DS and PC. So it's not really a matter of finding coders. Not too long ago, I wrote the music for a commercial DS game produced in Germany as well. If all goes the way I hope, the possibility is there for working on big name projects.

Right now the team consists of two members that actually produce music, and is based on a homebrew dedicated forum (which is linked to in the picture above)... But I would like this to change. We're working on getting our own site set up and hosted, so we wont be cramped up between all sorts of other things.

It doesn't matter if you're a novice. We're currently writing up some tutorials for writting music in popular sound editing programs, as well as producing them in popular video game friendly formats.

If you're interested in joining/have questions to ask, feel free to post them here or sign up at the following site (which is where Team Heaven is based):


If you like, you can email me as well.

[email protected]

June 5th, 2008, 15:10
First off if you need hosting space just let me know, I have 1gb you can use on hostgator.

I am interested, Lets see what you can do with making a song based on the Supper Mario Theme Song.
It needs to be small and in .MOD Format. You team has 2-3 days and if complete I'll include it in the release.
I want it small and crisp. Good luck.

EDIT: Also If you can make a few interesting songs in .wav format with an ice theme that would be great.

Needs to play in LUAPlayer

June 5th, 2008, 20:18
I'm guessing you didn't really read it, because the team isn't exactly up and running yet. We're looking for members, not taking requests.

As for what you said, here's a Mario themed song that I wrote for a friend's game. You're not allowed to use it though, as it's already being used.

Mario (http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/1422316_yrxfs/Mario.mp3)

Here's a Ice themed song I did that you're welcome to use.

IceyAbyss.mp3 (http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/1419069_qosxs/IceyAbyss.mp3)

Is there any reason you need it to be in WAV? OGG works just fine in LUAPlayer, and it'd take up 1/10th the size.

June 6th, 2008, 11:29
Wow thats wonderful, the ice song, simple yet you can feel it. Are those xylophone synths? ^_^

Anything else with the ice theme would be wonderful and yes ill take the OGG format. seeing as its 1/4th the size. My app is a little blotted from lame music in wave format. But ya that was really nice.