View Full Version : Rollie (Kickstarter) (NES Game)

September 11th, 2019, 21:18
Rollie (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/optovania/rollie-a-new-game-for-the-classic-nintendo-nes?ref=thanks-tweet) is a brand new side-scrolling platformer NES game by Optovania (https://twitter.com/optovania) and has 16 huge stages of gameplay. Power-ups and secrets can be found scattered throughout the levels and checkpoints exist along the way. Each stage ends in a boss battle.

Rollie and Lorrie are on a mission to save their forest, Paradise Gorge. Their goal is to defeat the brats and bullies who have seized power in the midst of an unstable ecosystem precipitated by a sudden overpopulation of snakes. They aim to lead as examples, to show how sharing and sacrifice are rewarding, and that rampant self-serving brutality perpetuates destruction.
