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View Full Version : Emu Loader v8.8.2

October 4th, 2019, 22:09
Emu Loader v8.8.2 is released. Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.

Emu Loader Changelog:
Setting "Use Image Single Background Color" not restored at startup
Screens "MAME Driver Filter" and "Miscellaneous Filters" not updated when changing between night mode profiles
Font color of hint texts not restored when switching back to light mode ("Miscellaneous Filters" tool bar button)
Several CheckBox and RadioButton controls still had shadow text enabled in night mode
A nasty bug in my TCheckBoxEx / TRadioButtonEx components: the icon area was not cleared when drawing new icon states, overlapping existing icons and causing a "left-over" pixels effect, mostly noticeable in "RadioButton"
Startup crash when validating emulator binary if the .exe file is missing
Screen "Machine Type and System Filters" was not resizing correctly for resolutions lower than 1920x1080 (tool bar button)
Ansi WinAPI FileAge() doesn't work well on Windows 10, replaced by the Unicode API FileAgeW()
Play video preview feature was not working at all for the past 10 months... HOORAY!
Text of selected game was black color when editing fields directly in EasyListView controls (night mode only)
Game thumbnails fail to load in thumbnails view even if game snapshot file exists
No auto-update game thumbnails after changing game snapshot folders in "Image Category Settings" screen (thumbnails view only)
Tweaks to "Delete/Copy/Move Selected Games"
- size of "Delete" and "Cancel" buttons reduced
- size of "Destination Folder" edit box increased
- if less than 13 files are selected, only one column is shown to prevent waste of space
- checkboxes "Overwrite Files" and "Add System Folder" moved above "Destination Folder edit box"
- fixed controls alignment in bottom bar
Darker color tweak to gradient bottom bars in night mode
Removed italic font style from texts in help message boxes
Text fonts tweak in several screens
- reduced size to 9 pixels
- changed fonts from "Segoe UI" to "Trebuchet MS" with "bold" style and removed "italic" style
- color tweaks in night mode
Replaced all "ExTrackBar" controls by "XiTrackBar" from the "XiControls" pack; thanks "Eugene Genev"
- no more flickering
- colors customized for night mode
- used in "Customize Thumbnails", "MAME Settings" and "RGB Quick Edit" screens
- I've made some minor tweaks to XiTrackBar component, you need my modified version to compile the frontend
New layout for "RGB Quick Edit"
- replaced TShape components by my flicker-free TPanelEx component (new color/current color boxes)
- added XiTrackBar controls for easier RGB color editing
- added form caller title to the caption bar so you know what screen you're currently editing
- internal code tweaks
Shadow font setting of labels in "Search Games Panel Colors" is no more ("Customize Night Mode" screen)
Custom CheckBox and RadioButton icons for night mode ("Customize Night Mode" screen)
- you can use custom icon files instead of Windows themed ones
- icons sets are located in "frontend_path\resources\checkbox_radiobutton" folder
- each set must be placed in its own sub-folder and the folder name is used as the set's title (no Unicode folder name support)
- icons must be 13x13 pixels but can be at any color depth
- each night mode profile can have a different CheckBox / RadioButton set
- icons are applied to CheckBoxEx / RadioButtonEx / GroupBoxEx / EasyListView controls
- if an icon filename is missing, the Windows themed icon will be used instead
New "Use Windows 10 Dark Scroll Bar in Games List" checkbox setting ("Customize Night Mode" screen)
- this is a hack to force Win10 dark themed scroll bars by using the Win10 API "SetWindowTheme(hWnd, 'DarkMode_Explorer', null)"
- dark scroll bars can be used even if Windows 10 is not setup with a dark theme
- it currently works on ListView, RichEdit, Memo, WebBrowser controls
- no support for ComboBox, ColorBox dropdown buttons as there's no way to access the ListBox control used internally (still working on this)
- horizontal scroll bar colors are bugged and it's caused by Windows 10, not the frontend
- there's a white box painting bug if both horizontal and vertical scroll bars are visible (fix your sh@t, Microsoft!)
- only Windows 10 build 1809 and newer builds are supported
Customize splash screen (main menu "Customize Splash Screen")
- change font color of each text
- text shadow colors are now "black", it looks better
- remove text shadows with "Enable Text Shadows" checkbox (untick)
- new left-aligned texts layout with "Use Alternate Layout" checkbox
- use an alternate logo image with "Use Logo2 File" checkbox; filename must be "logo2.png" and located in "resources\images" folder
- change version info text position (text is right-aligned); useful when using a different logo image
- progress bar replaced by the new XiProgressBar component to allow custom colors
- customize progress bar colors with several pre-defined color schemes or create your own color scheme (minimum resolution required 1280x720 / 1336x768)
- settings are in the right side of the splash screen
- close the splash screen with the "Close" button at bottom/right or with ESC key
- drag the splash screen with the mouse
- fixed "Lucida Console" font to match the font size of "Terminal" font
NOTE: the "Terminal" font used in Emu Loader is the "vgaoem.fon" file from Windows 7; Windows 10 doesn't have this font
Support MAME v0.214 new "mame.ini" settings

