View Full Version : Crash-Cortez releases polished final version of VitaDock VLC Image

November 18th, 2019, 21:10
VitaDock was a community project started by xCorra which aimed to create and produce Switch-like docks for the PlayStation Vita. These docks, which connect to a TV via HDMI, allow one to connect their PSVita to a built-in USB port (and headphone jack/bluetooth for audio) and seamlessly play on a bigger screen thanks to Xerpi’s udcd_uvc plugin. Unfortunately, the project fell apart as xCorra disappeared from the internet and this obviously left many people disgruntled (http://wololo.net/2019/10/28/psvita-news-crash-cortez-publicly-shares-vitadock-software-after-xcorra-its-creator-seemingly-disappears-from-the-internet-indiegogo-backers-brace-yourselves/). In light of this, the VitaDock Team decided to release the software (http://wololo.net/2019/10/28/psvita-news-crash-cortez-publicly-shares-vitadock-software-after-xcorra-its-creator-seemingly-disappears-from-the-internet-indiegogo-backers-brace-yourselves/) for the Raspberry Pi powering the dock and the 3D design files (http://wololo.net/2019/10/30/news-rumour-team-xecuter-have-been-able-to-hack-newer-switch-and-switch-lite-consoles-david-ox-shares-vitadock-3d-printing-files-for-anyone-who-wishes-to-create-their-own-dock/) in case anybody wanted to manufacture one of their own.

Now, Crash-Cortez, a member of the VitaDock Team, has released the final version of VitaDock software which makes use of VLC before moving on to create versions that use mpv instead.

This image, which was created with the help of m0tie (https://www.reddit.com/u/m0tie), includes the following features:

A custom build of VLC configured with optimal settings for streaming the Vita’s screen
Software for receiving the PSVita’s audio via Bluetooth

This removes the need of having to connect your console via the 3.5mm audio jack
There’s support for the internal Bluetooth chipset of the RPi 3B+, 3A+ and 4 but not for the 3B

An on-screen keyboard for easier management when far away
The ability to automatically start and stop the VLC stream when you plug your PSVita in or take it out
Enable/Disable scripts for boot video, Vita notification and boot text
Built-in SSH Client and FileZilla installed

The username and password for SSH are found in the link below

Perhaps someone will start producing VitaDock units and selling them on a marketplace with buyer protection, such as eBay, so that users who simply want a plug-and-play dock could finally get one and more people enjoy the work of the VitaDock Team [Bu (m0tie), ZoidBerg and his wife Si, David-OX, SilentNight and Crash-Cortez himself]! Till then, you’ll have to build your own VitaDock which isn’t too difficult and could serve as a fun DIY project to do during the weekend.
A recent update (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/psvita-dock#/updates/all) on the VitaDock page claims that refunds will be issued in the following months although this should probably be taken with a pinch of salt as its veracity hasn’t been confirmed.VitaDock VLC Final Release Page (+ Download Link): https://github.com/CrashCortez/vitadock-vlc/tree/master/release
