View Full Version : Nintendo wins injunction against creator of Switch mod that enabled piracy

January 2nd, 2020, 21:37
Nintendo has won an injunction against hacking group Team-Xecuter after it allegedly sold and distributed modded Nintendo Switch hardware, as well as pirated games.
TorrentFreak has shared a copy of the injunction (https://torrentfreak.com/nintendo-wins-injunction-against-switch-mod-pirate-game-seller-200102/), which prohibits Team-Xecuter's Sergio Moreno from modifying, selling, renting, or distributing unauthorized copies of Nintendo technology, software, or trademarked material, as well as destroying the existing modded devices and pirated software.

Nintendo has long been aggressive in stopping copyright violations, hacks, and mods of its systems. Team-Xecuter's websites were a few of several ordered to be blocked by UK ISPs (https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-09-10-uk-high-court-orders-isps-to-block-switch-hacking-sites) in 2019 for offering Switch hacks. Additionally, it has gone after several (https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2018-11-12-nintendo-reaches-final-judgment-agreement-with-rom-site-owners)ROM sites (https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-09-11-nintendo-sues-rom-site) successfully in the last few years.
