View Full Version : Shanghai Disneyland Closed Until Further Notice Due To Outbreak

January 26th, 2020, 20:46
Amid concerns about the new coronavirus breakout in China, Shanghai Disneyland is now closed until further notice to help prevent the spread of the very contagious virus (https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/24/business/disneyland-china-wuhan-virus/index.html). This is despite the fact that the park was entering the week long Lunar New Year holiday period that would normally see the park packed to capacity.
Many other attractions have also shut down in an attempt to contain the virus from spreading too quickly in crowded locations. A personal friend of my own just came home from China this week who had been working on an install crew for a new attraction in China. Their company deemed it wise to take precautions and evacuated the entire crew and delayed the opening date of the attraction until they can return to finish. According to comments from my source, most places where large groups gather are now closed in China, including theaters, and the hotel they were staying in had been checking the temperature of everyone who entered the building each day before allowing access, as a high fever is a sign of the virus.
After experiencing these kind of precautions in China, they were surprised to find that no similar precautionary screening procedures were being conducted at all on the passengers of their flight upon returning to the United States. So take that for what you will in the weeks to come as reports begin to trickle in of the virus spreading to the US (https://www.charlottestories.com/possible-case-of-coronavirus-discovered-in-north-carolina/).