View Full Version : Pokémon Go temporarily changes mechanics to reduce spread of COVID-19

March 16th, 2020, 19:48
Niantic has introduced a number of temporary changes to location-based mobile title Pokémon Go in an attempt to discourage behaviors that may enhance the spread of COVID-19 (known as novel coronavirus).
The developer has postponed (https://pokemongolive.com/en/post/updatedevents-abracommunityday/) its March Community Day event indefinitely, as Community Days offer rewards to large groups of players meeting and playing together in populated areas.
Additionally, Niantic has decreased distances to hatch Pokémon Eggs, is offering more rewards from PokeStops, and is increasing Pokémon spawn rates -- all effectively allowing players to continue playing and gain increased in-game rewards despite traveling shorter distances and avoiding populated areas.
The in-game store is also offering a one-time purchase bundle of 30 Incense -- an item that spawns Pokemon at the player's location even if they aren't moving -- for 1 PokeCoin. Single PokeCoins can be obtained in-game for free by leaving a Pokémon in a Gym location for a short period of time.
Niantic has also postponed its March Community Day in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.
