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View Full Version : Marvel Is Giving Away 12 Free Comics To Help You Pass The Time At Home

April 3rd, 2020, 20:39
Over the last few weeks, games and entertainment companies have been promoting social distancing by offering an array of free products and services. Game publishers and storefronts are giving away far more free games than usual (https://www.gamespot.com/articles/free-games-to-claim-this-weekend-gone-home-drawful/1100-6474874/), and subscription services such as Shudder (https://www.gamespot.com/articles/horror-streaming-service-shudder-is-offering-30-fr/1100-6474872/), CBS All Access (https://www.gamespot.com/articles/cbs-all-access-lengthens-free-trial-just-in-time-f/1100-6475176/), and Comixology (https://www.gamespot.com/articles/comixologys-free-trial-period-is-now-60-days-inclu/1100-6474976/) have extended free trial periods. And now, Marvel is giving away free comic books (https://www.marvel.com/articles/comics/marvel-unlimited-now-offering-free-access-to-iconic-comic-book-stories), with the debut batch of 12 comics available to download now, no strings attached.
The free comics can be claimed through the Marvel Unlimited app on iOS (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/marvel-unlimited/id607205403) or Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.marvel.unlimited&hl=en_US), and you don't even need to sign up for a trial of the subscription service to get them. You can also secure the comics through Amazon's Comixology platform (https://comixology.sjv.io/c/159047/402490/7303?subId1=gs-gs11006475613--en&u=https://www.comixology.com/Marvel-Free-Comics/page/23611).

The comics featured in April are full story arcs, so you're getting volumes containing at least six issues that typically sell for $10 or more. April's freebies include modern classics like Civil War, incredible recent books like Ta-Nehisi Coates' Black Panther, and multiple Avengers arcs.
All 12 comics are free to claim until May 4. Based on the wording of Marvel's announcement, it seems possible that a new lineup could be free next month. Check out the full list of free comics below.
Reading digital comics is a great and convenient way to pass the time while staying indoors. If you're new to reading your comics digitally, Comixology Unlimited (https://comixology.sjv.io/c/159047/402490/7303?subId1=gs-gs11006475613--en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.comixology.com%2Funlimited%3Fa pp%3D1%26utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26 utm_campaign%3DComiXology-Unlmited%26utm_content%3DComiXology-Unlimited%26utm_term%3D%252Bcomixology%2520%252Bun limited%26tid%3D08242017%26gclid%3DEAIaIQobChMIw6i g9M_M6AIVGoiGCh1nUQn3EAAYASAAEgL3pfD_BwE) opens up a vast library of more than 25,000 comics for $6 per month after the 60-day free trial, while Marvel Unlimited (https://www.marvel.com/comics/unlimited) boasts a similar number of comics--only from Marvel franchises, of course--for $10 per month.
