View Full Version : Europe Getting Crisis Core PSP Bundle This Month

June 10th, 2008, 19:07
via Kotaku (http://kotaku.com/5015047/europe-getting-crisis-core-psp-bundle-this-month)


Poor, put upon Europe. You either had to pay exorbitant prices to import a Japanese or North American version of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII or simply wait patiently for the game's release on your continent on the 20th of this month. Well SCEE feels your pain, and they hope to ease it somewhat by offering a limited edition PSP Crisis Core game bundle, complete with the game and the silver engraved PSP the Japanese got when the game first launched there.

Of course those of you in the UK who already have a PSP they don't wish to replace with shiny silver goodness still get to benefit from the exclusive special edition, so while it might take a bit longer for you to get the games, Square Enix and SCEE definitely love you guys the best of all.

June 10th, 2008, 19:21
I want one of those SO bad!

June 10th, 2008, 21:28
I have 2 of the Japanese versions, is this going to be exactly the same as that?
If so I am going to be a little miffed, as I bought it on the grounds there were only ever going to be 77,777, if this is not the case then I am slightly gutted.
Plus, what are they going to do about the numbering etc???? they already used up 77,777 numbers, not like they can re-issue them, hardly "Limited Edition" then is it?


June 10th, 2008, 21:36
Poor, put upon Europe. You either had to pay exorbitant prices to import a Japanese or North American version of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII or simply wait patiently for the game's release on your continent on the 20th of this month. Well SCEE feels your pain, and they hope to ease it somewhat by offering a limited edition PSP Crisis Core game bundle, complete with the game and the silver engraved PSP the Japanese got when the game first launched there.

This was a game that when i've heard about it, i've thought "There is no way i'm gona miss a copy of it."
Now I have already finished the game a few times a long time ago, and till now i had completely forgot its existence!


June 11th, 2008, 02:06
thats a pretty good looking psp.
id get one of those.

June 11th, 2008, 03:22
Man, why must Japan and Europe get all the exclusives >.>
Sure, you guys in Europe might need to wait a bit longer for the PAL releases, but you always get the better stuff, and don't get me started on Japan.

This special edition PSP Slim would have been the only reason I would buy a new PSP over my Phat, it's just pure awesomeness.

June 11th, 2008, 10:56
I have 2 of the Japanese versions, is this going to be exactly the same as that?
If so I am going to be a little miffed, as I bought it on the grounds there were only ever going to be 77,777, if this is not the case then I am slightly gutted.
Plus, what are they going to do about the numbering etc???? they already used up 77,777 numbers, not like they can re-issue them, hardly "Limited Edition" then is it?


yeah i thought about buying one a while back on those grounds aswell and i imagine those of you who did are a little annoyed.