View Full Version : Ore ga Omae o Mamoru - Metroidvania For Girls?!

December 7th, 2020, 21:17
Ore ga Omae o Mamoru is an action-adventure dungeon crawler, created by the short-lived brand Otomate Forte, who specialised in games targeted at girls outside of the typical visual-novel genre.
Originally developed by Vingt et un Systems as an action RPG, several big names in the Otome field such as character artist Kazuki Yone were brought in to create a game that would appeal to a wider audience.
The result? You’ll have to decide for yourself! Noted by Japanese fans for being surprisingly challenging, English speakers now have a chance to play this interesting piece of history thanks to the release of a fully playable English patch!
Defeat ancient beasts as you navigate your way through a labyrinth of ancient ruins, searching for the place where the mysterious stone known as Magicite lies…
View an English trailer made for the patch

Phantom Patches (tumblr.com) (https://phantom-patches.tumblr.com/post/636853568836632576/ore-ga-omae-o-mamoru-patch-release)