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View Full Version : Star Fox Exploration Showcase 7.00 released!

December 16th, 2020, 23:41
The latest and greatest update ever can be summed up into 3 points:

2 Player Mode!
Useful Teammates!
Scoring Mode!

In the latest update, you can start 2 player mode with Y+Select. Your teammate is controlled with 2p joypad, can fire, fly, barrel roll, fire bombs, and can change weapons with R+X. The border is dynamically resizing, and the screen is in a static position. Have fun with your friends and try a new twist on an old classic!
Your teammates are also actually useful. They used to come out and fire 6 shots straight when you save them and then disappear. Now, they actively hunt down targets and will fire 60 times before going away. Want more? Summon one any time with X and Select!
Like Star Fox Scored Edition’s scoring mode? Well enable it in SFES with X+Y on the title screen! It has the same changes as SF:SE as far as exploitable point patching and endlessly looping levels un-looped. Compete for a high score!
Full Changelog:

Two player mode! (Hold Y and press Select) to spawn a ship for your friend!
Dynamically adjusting frame/zoom level dependant on the ships’ locations
Still just a WIP/test, but ship idle hover, movement pivot, center chase, z rotation, barrel rolls, firing and bombs are implemented. HP, smoother movements, death not implemented yet.

Imported scoring system from Star Fox: Scored Edition 1.25:

Enable by holding Y and pressing X on the title screen (you will hear a sound and the whale will be replaced with an Andross Cube)
While enabled, Black hole always exits at the third exit if you haven’t exited yet, Titania always does the weather change, Space Armada forces you into the ships and continues whether or not you have destroyed the core.
See the included Scored Edition Changes.txt for additional information about the scoring system.

Added Weapon 98, just like Weapon 99 but without object removal. Soft-lock free.
Reduced fire rate of Weapon 99. Soft-lock free(?)
Weapon selection no longer resets on each level.
Moved sound test to title screen, cycle through with A and B.
Added ability to use planet select cheat even after beating a level.
Planet Skip cheat can access 2 new “courses”, which just go to OOTD and Black Hole.
Teammates are actually useful and help out for a little while after saving them.
Teammates have some unique colors and show them in all scenes.
Teammate assistant can be spawned by (Hold X and Press SELECT) (Repeat to despawn).
You can now restart the game after the credits are completed by hitting START.
Sorry Titania, your weather changer is broken. The weather changes by itself now.
Fixed helperballs not spawning on Venom.
Adjusted Professor Hangar (2-3 boss) - only 3 fish spawn instead of 5 while he is recharging.
Disable switching into isometric/drunk view in tunnels
Disable view changes during cutscenes/no control sections

Thank you for playing, and see you for the next update! Bigger and better things are always on the way!
