View Full Version : New UK Strain of Coronavirus More Infectious, Say Government Scientists

December 20th, 2020, 09:04
Reuters reports:A new strain (https://science.slashdot.org/story/20/12/14/1646219/new-variant-of-coronavirus-identified-in-uk-health-secretary-says) of coronavirus identified in the United Kingdom is up to 70% more infectious (https://www.usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2020-12-19/uk-says-new-coronavirus-strain-is-more-infectious-but-vaccines-should-still-work) but it is not thought to be more deadly and vaccines should still be effective, Prime Minister Boris Johnson and scientists said on Saturday.... "This is early data and it's subject to review. But it's the best that we have at the moment and we have to act on information as we have it, because this is now spreading very fast.
Prime minister Johnson also announced new and tougher lockdown restrictions for millions of people in the U.K., according to Reuters, which elsewhere reports the following known facts about the new variant (https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-britain-variant-detai-idUSL8N2IZ0H7):- The new variant is thought to have first occurred in mid-September in London or Kent, in the southeast of England.

- UK analysis suggests it may be up to 70% more transmissible than the old variant, which could increase the reproduction "R" rate by 0.4...

- The new variant contains 23 different changes, many of them associated with alterations in a protein made by the virus. Patrick Vallance, the UKā(TM)s chief scientific adviser, said this was an unusually large number of changes...

- In London, 62% of cases were due to the new variant in the week of Dec. 9. That compared to 28% three weeks earlier. In London, the overall infection rate doubled in the last week.

New UK Strain of Coronavirus More Infectious, Say Government Scientists - Slashdot (https://news.slashdot.org/story/20/12/19/201220/new-uk-strain-of-coronavirus-more-infectious-say-government-scientists)