View Full Version : PlayStation 4: Linux Loader now ported to FW 7.02 thanks to @mircoho

December 24th, 2020, 23:04
Whenever a new PlayStation 4 firmware gets hacked, Linux Loader usually ends up being ported quite quickly as running Linux distributions can prove quite useful. Thankfully, firmware 7.02 is no exception as @mircoho (https://twitter.com/mircoho) just updated Linux Loader for this recently hacked firmware. (https://wololo.net/2020/12/17/ps4-7-02-full-stack-exploit-user-kernel-released-mira-and-homebrew-support-in-progress/)
Linux Loader ported to FW 7.02
http://wololo.net/wagic/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/ps4linux702-2.png (http://wololo.net/wagic/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/ps4linux702-2.png)Fancy messing around with Linux on your FW 7.02 PS4 this Christmas? If so, @mircoho has you covered! (Tweet (https://twitter.com/mircoho))

Continuing the trend of homebrew, utilities and payloads being updated for FW 7.02, Twitter user @Cedsaill2 (https://twitter.com/Cedsaill2) reported that Linux Loader was ported to the newly-hacked Firmware 7.02 under 24 hours ago. As per a tweet announcing the release of Linux Loader for FW 7.02, @Cedsaill2 mentions that the individual behind the FW 7.02 port was @mircoho while also providing download links for the payload in .bin format (https://twitter.com/Cedsaill2/status/1341594906381475845) allowing one to run Linux on their hacked PlayStation 4 console. This download link can be found below in the “Conclusion” section.

PlayStation 4: Linux Loader now ported to FW 7.02 thanks to @mircoho - Wololo.net (https://wololo.net/2020/12/24/playstation-4-linux-loader-now-ported-to-fw-7-02-thanks-to-mircoho/)