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View Full Version : 18 shots of The Conduit

June 13th, 2008, 18:52
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=190851)

Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude developer High Voltage Software has released eighteen new screenshots of The Conduit, the game CEO Kerry Ganofsk hopes will 'look like a 360 title'.

The shots show a variety of environments and locations, from an underground laboratory corridor, a military base, more corridors and more military base, and a couple of exterior shots just to spice things up a bit.

We think it looks okay, but hardly reaches the dizzy heights of 360 graphics. More worryingly is the complete lack of innovation in the level design and colour palette. Didn't we see those corridors in GoldenEye a decade ago?

The Conduit is currently without a publisher and consequently without a street date.

Screenshots (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/viewer.php?mode=article&id=199172)

June 13th, 2008, 23:14
cool, looks very good:)

EDIT: they should give us some high-resolution pics to show us the game, cus these small ones, you can't see the awesome graphics so well...

June 14th, 2008, 04:20
The media I've seen so far is so-so. I think this game's selling point will be the multiplayer. If it gets the good reviews I might buy it.

June 14th, 2008, 15:29
the video of their engine was just awesome, the water looks very good, almost real;)

EDIT: did you change something with the posting system?
it gave me a warning that something was wrong when i posted this post, the post doesn't appear directly anymore, you have to refresh the page before it appears, unlike yesterday (as always) the post popped up when you pressed the quick post button...

the previous system was better, as i've seen alot of double and triple posting today, several triple threads too..

June 15th, 2008, 12:27
Finally Halo for the Wii.

June 16th, 2008, 15:39
kinda looks like an odd mash-up of Half-Life (1), Quake (2), Doom (2), and Halo (1/2) that give me the feeling like it would play as Half-Life in GoldenEye.

But after all, Weren't we just seething for a Re-master of the original GoldenEye? No other James Bond game has been as good. The only thing it lacked was AI bots and online play. (and perhaps more maps). But taking a 32MB game from a cartridge and moving it to a 4.7GB dvd (or 9.6 GB dvd) should allow for all of those things to be done. perhaps even add ALL of the JB maps from every game he's been in, as well as all of the guns he's ever used. and all the music ever played. and all the skins ever used.

This game has promise. Don't write it off yet.