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View Full Version : Speed Testing the Latest Web Browsers

June 13th, 2008, 21:12
via iLivehacker (http://lifehacker.com/396048/speed-testing-the-latest-web-browsers)


Read the hype on every new web browser released or due out this year, and you'll see claims that every one of them is "faster" than all the others. You could compare super-specific tests and decipher all the code-brain terminology, and you'd still be left wondering which browser starts quicker, uses less memory, and slides through dynamic interfaces like Gmail the fastest. Since our squadron of independent analysts had the week off, we ran the latest editions of Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera 9.5, and Safari for Windows through some unscientific but highly geeky tests ourselves on a plain old Windows computer. Take a look at the full (and somewhat unexpected) results after the jump.

Full article here (http://lifehacker.com/396048/speed-testing-the-latest-web-browsers)

June 13th, 2008, 21:13
Opera rulz :)

June 14th, 2008, 07:23
Firefox . its got to be firefox

All other browsers are lame compared to FF and should sit up and take note!


June 14th, 2008, 15:26
safari ftw! loads pages and scripts much faster

June 15th, 2008, 10:00
I have always got the feeling that Opera is faster than firefox, this may be the answer. I don't see any reason why Firefox would be the best around, maybe it got a higher security level?

June 15th, 2008, 10:58
Memory usage is a crap test, at least for Opera. It is designed to use as much memory as it wants, but to cede it easily. My Opera frequently uses 300mb of ram on a machine with 1gb. I load a game and go back to check and it's using 20 or so.

June 15th, 2008, 15:09
Opera rulz :)

yeah, it does!
i've tried Safari for windows, not recommended.
sure it's fast and all but it takes up hundreds of megabytes of RAM, so i'm using Opera, the best one available!:)
it takes up 37 868 kb of ram right now for me, so it's very good:)

OFF TOPIC: the posting system is bad, having to reload the page after you post is annoying, as ALOT of people are doubleposting all the time, even double threads on the front page:(
the postcount doesn't update, i've made a couple of posts today and still 588 posts.

you should really revert to the old system, it was alot better..

EDIT: take a look at quzar above, just one example of the crappy posting system...

June 15th, 2008, 17:39
OFF TOPIC: the posting system is bad, having to reload the page after you post is annoying, as ALOT of people are doubleposting all the time, even double threads on the front page:(
the postcount doesn't update, i've made a couple of posts today and still 588 posts.

you should really revert to the old system, it was alot better..

EDIT: take a look at quzar above, just one example of the crappy posting system...

The database is corrupt:

June 15th, 2008, 18:18
ah, ok i see..
hope it gets fixed soon;)

June 15th, 2008, 19:09
I've been using Safari 3.1.1 on Mac OS X for quite a while now (after finally getting pissed at all of the bugs and crashes in Firefox on Mac OS X). I have to agree, that its very speedy, especially when Javascript and CSS are involved.

The best is yet to come with Safari though, its getting a new Javascript core with the next major release (its called SquirrelFish (http://webkit.org/blog/189/announcing-squirrelfish/), and its already in the nightly WebKit builds) which is 1.6 times faster than what's in Safari 3.1.1. Not only that, but they're actively working on optimizing SquirrelFish even more.

June 15th, 2008, 22:30
they say that Safari is the fastest web browser there is, but it uses so much RAM that my old computer couldn't handle it so well;)..

i bought new high-end computer parts earlier this week and i think Safari would run awesome on my new system but i'm so used to Opera now so i won't switch..

June 15th, 2008, 22:56
i think Safari is the best option for Macs, but when i used Safari on my old computer, it took up way too much RAM, around 150MB..

they say that Safari is the fastest browser available, but i'm so used to Opera so i won't switch to Safari even though i just got new computer parts a few days ago..

June 15th, 2008, 22:56
i think Safari is the best option for Macs, but when i used Safari on my old computer, it took up way too much RAM, around 150MB..

they say that Safari is the fastest browser available, but i'm so used to Opera so i won't switch to Safari even though i just got new computer parts a few days ago..