View Full Version : Could PS3 emulate XBOX 360?

October 3rd, 2005, 01:50
The PS3 is clearly more powerful than the 360. (if the MGS4 trailer wasn't proof enough than your beyond help).

Anyway since the PS3 is 3 times more powerful than 360 would it be possible to make an emulator for 360 on the PS3?

I say this because the 360 is using a G5 variant processor. Mac OSX is based on the G5. so if the cell processor can run OSX and linux than it must be partly similar to the G5.

Also the 360's cpu has 3 cores running at 3.2 GHZ the PS3 has 7 cores running at the same speed.

If an emulator could be made it would probably be run off the memory stick like the PSP homebrew is. Sombody could write a plugin to use the PS3's blu-ray drive to run the 360 games. Also since microsoft is planning to release a USB version of the controller you could plug the 360 controller in to PS3 and play the games in the emulator.

Give me your thoughts. It's probably not possible but it's a cool concept.

Gears Of War on PS3 baby!

October 3rd, 2005, 02:15
There is absolutely no way to know that at the moment.

October 3rd, 2005, 05:56
just pure speculation buddy

October 3rd, 2005, 16:16
Really doubt it, but could be possible at very low speeds.

but by your logic the xbox should be able to emulate the ps2, as it has 3 times the processor speed, but as far as im aware there arent any emu's that run well enough to work.

Also, kinda off topic but what does cores mean? i don't understand any of this, does it have 7x 3.2ghz cpu's or what?

October 3rd, 2005, 22:44
in theory it is most likely "possible", but would anyone attempt it? Probably not, seeing as there is no way you'd get a decent frame rate.

it is also "possible" for a PS2 to emulate an Xbox, or an Xbox to emulate PS2, etc.. but would anyone actually attempt it? No, because there is just not a chance to get full speed, or even decent speeds.

October 3rd, 2005, 23:01
I ported a gamecube emulator to the dreamcast. doesnt mean crap though.

October 4th, 2005, 02:58
probably get 0.01 fps even running Snes emulators on todays consoles can be a struggle at times.

October 4th, 2005, 09:39
This is just obvious console favouritism. "OMFG liek, PEE-ESSfree is betor@!~ lEts eggsatureate everyfink becos PS3 cum out lator it MSUT be bettre LOLOLZORMOZM!"

You're stupid. This whole thread resonates with idiocy. Saying "Can the PS3 run an ExkzBockz360 emulatorz?" is like saying "Can the EckzBockz run a Ps2 emulator?".

You can dream, we just don't need to ****ing know about it. :)

Cap'n 1time
October 4th, 2005, 14:42
dont get too comfortable with thoes specs either.. Sony likes to make shit up. Example: PS2.

oh, and with quzars logic you can technically emulate an Xbox on an Xbox... that dosnt mean shit though. and little videos of the future metal gear (probably renders) dont mean anything.

October 4th, 2005, 17:01
Actually i wasn't stating a hypothetical, i really DID port gcube to the dreamcast, got it to run but couldnt get it past a few seconds of running.

Also, console emulation on the console, there is a Dreamcast emulator for the dreamcast. It was written in order to be able to have 100% accurate emulation with the ability to take debug information.

This thread is most definetly beating a horse fetus. (the horse ain't even born yet!)

October 4th, 2005, 21:02
Actually i wasn't stating a hypothetical, i really DID port gcube to the dreamcast, got it to run but couldnt get it past a few seconds of running.

Evidence, Mr. Coder? If you did indeed code this GameCube emulator, but didn't get to actually run the thing properly, how do you know it functions properly?

Oh yeah, on that subject, I got a PS3 emulator running on my NES...:rolleyes:

Also, console emulation on the console, there is a Dreamcast emulator for the dreamcast. It was written in order to be able to have 100% accurate emulation with the ability to take debug information.

Yeah, great, wonderful. That is the Dreamcast, not any other console.

This thread is most definetly beating a horse fetus. (the horse ain't even born yet!)

Horse foetus' are indeed fun to beat. Particularly with some sort of blunt object, such as a baseball bat.

October 4th, 2005, 21:21
Evidence, Mr. Coder? If you did indeed code this GameCube emulator, but didn't get to actually run the thing properly, how do you know it functions properly?

Oh yeah, on that subject, I got a PS3 emulator running on my NES...:rolleyes:

... well, considering i specifically stated it didn't function properly, and that I ported it, not coded it, i would have to assume that you have some sort of comprehension problem. The closest thing I probably have to proof is the fact that i told wraggster about it and had him send me all the smallest gamecube demos that could run in gcube, considering i deleted my sources to it because i figured even if i could get it to display some video (hehe, my port of fake64 to the dc never got that far...) it would still be extremely useless, and i should spend my time on something more likely to be useable.

oh wait, i just remembered, i don't have to prove anything to you, mr. whosits, or was it mr. fancypants, no it was definetly mr. nobodycares.

oh yea before i forget, last i remember the comment that had been made was about a system emulating itself, which is exactly what i posted, a console which had an emulator of itself runnable on it.

October 4th, 2005, 22:12
Oh, wow. Really, I have so been owned.

oh wait, i just remembered, i don't have to prove anything to you, mr. whosits, or was it mr. fancypants, no it was definetly mr. nobodycares.

Lol! So I'm a fancy, who is sitting nobodycares? You're ability to insult is about as grand as your ability to use capital letters. Go back to preschool, anus. You don't have to prove anything to me? Well, you've done a good job of proving to me that you're an ignoramous.

If you emulate a system on itself, that is just asking for piracy. Let's see, perhaps 4/100 would use it to 'to have 100% accurate emulation with the ability to take debug information'. The other 96 would use it for playing whatever emulation filethe Dreamcast uses.

If you support this forum as a whole, I find that this is a place of very sad people indeed.

Cap'n 1time
October 5th, 2005, 00:23
blahblahblah look at 1370 being a dick cheese.

when quzar codes somthing HE CODES IT. nothing a cock bite like yourself is going to disprove that. There is so much that you dont know and i think it would be wise that you shut the hell up before you get shutup...

actually just ban this wise ass. come back when you grow some new brain cells (never).

October 5th, 2005, 02:04
Oh, wow. Really, I have so been owned.

Lol! So I'm a fancy, who is sitting nobodycares? You're ability to insult is about as grand as your ability to use capital letters. Go back to preschool, anus. You don't have to prove anything to me? Well, you've done a good job of proving to me that you're an ignoramous.

If you emulate a system on itself, that is just asking for piracy. Let's see, perhaps 4/100 would use it to 'to have 100% accurate emulation with the ability to take debug information'. The other 96 would use it for playing whatever emulation filethe Dreamcast uses.

If you support this forum as a whole, I find that this is a place of very sad people indeed.

1) it's whos-its, not who-sits
2) it's not wise to go rampantly insulting staff, not that i'm gonna go ban you willy-nilly just because you insulted me, but when/if you go to a library (doubtful, see above comment on questionable literacy) do you walk in insulting the librarian? asking them questions about books they have read and ask them to prove it?
3) usually proof works on somewhat of a trust basis. if last year i said 'i'm working on a dos emulator, neo geo cd emulator, and tg16 emulator' and subsequently released each of them, a certain amount of trust is built. i also privately released the n64 emulator i ported (which functioned 100% but the base emulator had no sound or video), and it is availible to the staff of this site.
4) if you knew anything about the dreamcast, you would know it can play copied games w/o modification or seperate boot disc.
5) i only write properly, when i converse with those who i feel are deserving of effort.
6) is that you cless?

October 5th, 2005, 02:19
Omgzor, liek, insults from teh poepel, O NOEZ!

Meh, you can all get ****ed. :) Ban me now.

October 5th, 2005, 02:33
1370: u don't know what your talking about.

quzar: no offence, but u should not let guys like this wined u up.

1timeuser: i know u were just supporting quzar, but remember rule number 2

#hint# something about Flameing ;)

and this topic is so locked