View Full Version : Preparing the 10th anniversary Dreamcast

June 20th, 2008, 19:40
Our Spanish friends over at the leading Dreamcast Site posted this article:

next November 27 sees the tenth anniversary of the commercialization of our favorite console.

To do so in Dreamcast.es we will hold for everything from high since 2004 and did not hold any party and only 100% dedicated to the Dreamcast, The occasion deserves it.

For this reason, Chui, Neoblast, Melovampire and whom he writes, we believe that we are in a good time to organize commemorative event and we have all, it is important to know your views and tastes. As always an event requires all and as we organize it is necessary to know whether or take the summer we hope to November in order to find a date consistent with everyone's needs.

We thought that the bridges of November and December dates are very close to conclusion and that would be more convenient. We are happy to read all your ideas and opinions on the territory where it would be ideal to celebrate and especially if there is desire.

We still have to propose to our European counterparts the idea webs, and as Spain is one of the engines Scene DC and a country that always like to visit, nothing better to do with the participation of all. A joint European festival in Spain. If someone thinks the party could well be a big party for at least two days in which everyone could meet and share our enthusiasm for the console and its scene.

Regarding announcements we can not announce now that may be getting plenty of CD's for everything that is going to leave this year, the Scene will be present and may be left on a formal see something, although we are partidiarios no illusions as to date has not been revealed absolutely nothing.

Now that all sabeis we are going to organise a good event, it's time to get down to work, this takes time and all the support and assistance is always little. We all hope and we need your ideas and comments. Would you apunta?
