View Full Version : PSP Dungeons: Assault Run V1.0.4 & 3D Editor

June 20th, 2008, 21:24
Charnold (http://www.caweb.de/) has released a new version of his excellent 3d FPS for the PSP that comes bundled with a 3D editor so you can play at making your own levels,

Heres whats new:

New in version 1.0.4

editor changes:

- game geometry view shows enemie's attack animation frame with the bullet's starting position

game changes:

- simple enemy AI:
- enemies check, if they see the player and alarm other enemies
- enemies are alarmed when the player shoots
- global alarm stops when no enemy sees the player for some time
- enemies evade when the player aims at them
- enemies try to aim at the player, when they are in alarmed state
- enemies shoot at the player (visible bullets)
- collision detection bullets - player, player dies after some hits

Download Here (http://www.caweb.de/psp_dar/PSPDAR.zip)and Give Feedback Via Comments

June 20th, 2008, 23:51

Great work man, big time. Your game is really really nice.