View Full Version : dsmcu - wireless mix controller

June 21st, 2008, 17:58
News/release from dub3000 (http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?t=15687)

dsmcu implements the most important parts of the MCU mix protocol. it talks to audio workstation software (mainly tested with Reaper PC + allegedly Mac, may possibly work with other apps) over WIFI via DSMI.

i.e. mix + record arm from your couch. or the hallway. kinda.

youtube video:

screenshot: [Images not permitted - Click here to view it]

download link: http://remaincalm.org/?p=19

instructions (important!): http://remaincalm.org/?p=17

more info on the linked pages. main thing that needs to change is the channel selection/solo/mute etc, and some graphics refactoring (it's really clumsy at the moment). i've been meaning to do a lot more work on this before doing a proper announcement, but i've been really busy (and it's working okay anyway), so treat this as a technology preview/concept app.

big thanks to tobw for the DSMI library!


Download and give feedback via comments

June 22nd, 2008, 20:30
I've been playing with this for a short while. It is a really slick piece of software. The number of truly awesome music-related apps for the DS is amazing.