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View Full Version : version 2.01

October 4th, 2005, 03:08
hi all my first post here, ive been reading a few posts and have a question,
i have version 2.01 and i was wondering if there was any way i could play emulators. I had version 1.52 before i updated.


October 4th, 2005, 03:37

If you had anything BUT 2.01, you coulda put on emulators. Why hell did you update?

You'll have to wait until they crack 2.01, assuming it's possible (it probably is, but it's also probably gonna take a while...).

October 4th, 2005, 03:44
Is this a joke? You have a JPN PSP (2.01 is only out for JPN, so i presume anyway) that you JUST updated to 2.01 and only NOW are you looking into Homebrew?

Surely this is the first (joke) of many (real) can I play on 2.01 topics!

Well the answer is NO, 2.01 can NOT play homebrew. 2.00 can be downgraded, 1.00 and 1.50 only play homebrew. 1.51 and 1.52 can be upgraded to 2.00 and then downgraded to 1.50.

slik da relic
October 4th, 2005, 04:18
well... a friend i know upgraded his psp with the jap 2.0, so its possible. but, im laughin my ass off rite now bcuz MPH gave 1.5x and 2.0 users a second chance to downgrade to 1.5 and there r gonna be a few people that r STILL gonna blow it. like, where were u all these months guy? havent u been keepin up with this stuff?

da relic lmao!!!

October 4th, 2005, 04:36
wow.... u r dumb... no offense

October 4th, 2005, 05:10
i've been going here for a while now, and i already know a lot about emulation and everything. so nobody try to educate me, i'm not a noob. now..

i finally decided to join because after reading that post, that was last dumb thing i ever want to have to read. i mean, seriously, wtf is wrong with andyp. i mean, if u want emulation that bad, or anything for that matter, why don't do some research. I mean, this better be a joke, because, what in the hell were you thinking. They just released the update, and you just happened, to decide that this would be the day you wanted to go to the Japanese Sony website, and update for no reason, and then get into emulation. I mean, surely, the only way a noob like you would find there way to that website is by going somewhere like here, and here they tell you specifically on the front page that 2.01 does absolutely nothing but keep you from downgrading, or playing homebrew. I mean, honestly, what are you thinking.

I'm sorry for being so harsh, but its about time someone say something. I see so many of these kinds of posts all over this forum, its crazy.

October 4th, 2005, 23:08
2.01 owners= PWNED XD