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View Full Version : FTPii v0.0.7

June 24th, 2008, 01:11
News/release from joedj (http://code.google.com/p/ftpii/)

FTPii is an FTP server for the Wii, giving people easy access to their SD cards without having to eject it from the Wii itself.

You will need an FTP client in order to connect to your Wii, but once you have got one set up, all you have to do is use wiiload to send FTPii to your Wii and once the network has initialised it's good to go.

Version Changes
0.0.7 Added virtual path support for /sd and /usb. (thanks srg!), Added SITE LOADER command to return to loader, Added SITE CLEAR command to clear the console, Support for starting without a device connected (thanks srg!), Support for SD Gecko (though currently disabled in libfat) (thanks srg!), Re-enable read-ahead when remounting (thanks srg!)

The best way to get a feel for ftpii is to install it, using itself. When you download ftpii, use wiiload (with the Homebrew Channel) to start it up. When the network has initialised, use your favourite FTP client to connect to you wii. You can enter anything for a user name and password right now. Once you have logged in, navigate to the apps folder on your SD card, and upload the ftpii directory (containing boot.elf, meta.xml and icon.png) here.

Once you are done altering files, close the connection from your client, then push the A button on Wiimote #1. This will bring you out of ftpii and back to the HBC application selection menu. ftpii will now be in the list to run again without the need of Wiiload.

Download and give feedback via comments

June 24th, 2008, 03:53
this program is really a must for all HBC users, to quick and simple it is awesome

June 24th, 2008, 04:15
'll be trying it, hope this time it can find my network device, because it always tells me that was unable to find it and just return to the HBC

June 24th, 2008, 09:15
it always tells me that was unable to find it and just return to the HBC
It used to take me a few tries before it stayed connected. I solved this by moving the Wii to a better position for wifi reception.

I also got a lot of SD card corruption before I moved the Wii. I think it was due to file transfers breaking.

Checkout WiiBrew for the tested FTP clients. Some are better than others.

June 24th, 2008, 17:00
Just as I though, jajajaja, but it shouldn't be the problem, i can download wiiware games and ps3 demos just fine.

Well, 'll try to put my Wii closer to my wifi router

June 25th, 2008, 00:26
the best way to connect with this program under windows is just go to my computer and if you have the adress bar activated just go "ftp://adressnumber" and it works perfectly. If your adress bar isn't enabled its under view I'm pretty sure. Go to "connect to server" under ubuntu and that works fine too.