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View Full Version : God of War III will be at E3

June 24th, 2008, 20:41
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=191616)

It's being reported that a Sony rep has let slip at the GDC Paris event that God of War III will make its debut at E3 next month in Los Angeles.

According to a few different French sites the game's not likely to be playable at E3, but to be fair, it's not expected out before the back end of 2009 anyway, so that doesn't surprise us.

The only official mention of the game in recent months was an ad on the back of the manual for GoW: Chains of Olympus, saying that the game was "coming soon".

While no further details are available, we'll be hoping to see some in-game action though, rather than a load of CGI - preferably of Kratos going mental and stabbing a giant Cyclops in the eye with two rusty blades, before ripping his jaw off his face and using it to beat his mother to death.

We've contact Sony's UK office for clarification on what's actually been said at the Paris event and will update you accordingly.

June 24th, 2008, 22:28
This is great, even if it is a load of CGI

June 25th, 2008, 05:17
now to show off the true power the ps3...
and what better to do that then GoW?

it even made the ps2 games look as good as any xbox game that ever came out

June 25th, 2008, 19:12
I don't have a ps3 but it's still cool.

June 25th, 2008, 19:46
any love for psp? hope soo, the psp's GOW was awesome, just abit short...:)