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View Full Version : Is it okay to update our Wii firmware now?

June 26th, 2008, 20:49
When the new firmware came out it was generally advised to not upgrade as it broke the Twighlight hack.

Now that a new Twighlight hack has been released, is it generally considered fine to upgrade? I would presume it is but thought I would post here first just in case anyone had a good reason why I should not upgrade.

June 26th, 2008, 21:09
When the new firmware came out it was generally advised to not upgrade as it broke the Twighlight hack.

Now that a new Twighlight hack has been released, is it generally considered fine to upgrade? I would presume it is but thought I would post here first just in case anyone had a good reason why I should not upgrade.

Yes, the new Twilight Hack has been released that works on 3.3. However, remember that it also fixes the signing bug that some of the older IOS versions had, although that doesn't really matter if you don't have a modded Wii. Also, you can run them through GeckoOS/Region Free, anyway.

I would say not to update until you have to, but it's up to you. I don't think there is any real problems with 3.3 since the updated Twilight Hack was released.

June 26th, 2008, 21:23