View Full Version : The Future of Video Games

June 29th, 2008, 10:19
Well, DCEmu, what direction do you suppose the industry is going to go in?
Hardcore? Casual? PC?

What technology do you think we'll have by the 8th generation?

Will Sony and Microsoft consoles become inferior but add new innovative controls/features like the Wii?

Will Microsoft finally give us a console that we can put our own vids on?

Will Microsoft make a handheld?

Will Nintendo remain King?

Will Sony return to where it was in the PS2 days?

It's all very interesting isn't it?

June 29th, 2008, 12:49
microsoft will fail with a handheld, nintendo will remain on top, and sony will be directly BEHIND nintendo. i sense a close battle between sony and ninty in the future.

June 29th, 2008, 13:02
I think disc based games may be on their way out and we may have to download our games in the next generation.

June 29th, 2008, 15:52
Well, DCEmu, what direction do you suppose the industry is going to go in?
Hardcore? Casual? PC?

What technology do you think we'll have by the 8th generation?

Will Sony and Microsoft consoles become inferior but add new innovative controls/features like the Wii?

Will Microsoft finally give us a console that we can put our own vids on?

Will Microsoft make a handheld?

Will Nintendo remain King?

Will Sony return to where it was in the PS2 days?

It's all very interesting isn't it?


I see Sony and MS trying to copy Ninty's success with motion control or something like it



A great one

That or Sony with a PS4

I sure hope so

Eh, kinda

June 29th, 2008, 20:11
I would actually like to see the Microsoft handheld. I've always been a bigger handheld fan than console fan.

July 5th, 2008, 10:18
I dont want you guys to answer my questions. Id rather you share your opinions.

July 5th, 2008, 14:29
Sony will leave the gaming industry

beetroot bertie
July 5th, 2008, 15:58
Maybe via cameras or through uploading of photos of one's head at all sides, the new gen will allow us all to use/control avatars of ourselves within the games as an alternative to Mii-like creations.

Maybe due to the advancement of technology and the issues it brings, the next-gen might be more unreliable than this.

Maybe due to green issues, manufacturers may have to produce machines that consume less power - which in turn could lead to some interesting decisions and outcomes. No graphical improvement over this gen. I doubt it, but maybe.

Maybe nations of RSI inflicted people will boycott Nintendo products.

Maybe we'll see Sega appear in the hardware market (I severely doubt this though)

July 5th, 2008, 18:05
Things I think that will happen

Microsoft will try to make a handheld to compete with psp, it will read dvd or mini-dvd, it will have internal HDD, windows based so highly more exploitable (tons of homebrew and emus), xbox-1 like graphics and backwards support for xbox-1 games.

Nintendo will stay with the kids stuff and eventually fail

PS3 will have as many great games as the PS2.

PSP will die like the dreamcast, hope it doesn't

DAX will find a way to run homebrew on the PS3

July 6th, 2008, 01:49
I would love to see Virtual Reality return.

With today's technology it should be possible.