View Full Version : PS3 Trophies not guaranteed for 'every game'

July 4th, 2008, 01:01
Sony has revised a remark made by Eric Lampel that "every game" would eventually feature Trophies. What Lampel likely meant, and what he apparently relayed to GameSpot is that at some point, all new PlayStation 3 releases -- both first- and third-party -- will feature Trophies. Sony has clarified that Trophy patches for existing games are the responsibility of the games' respective publishers and developers, and we should not expect to "ultimately" enjoy a complete catalog with Trophy support.

Insomniac has already pledged its intent to stay focused on Resistance 2, passing up the invitation to add Trophies to its previous titles, the first Resistance and Ratchet and Clank Future. Also joining the "much too late" camp, are Infinity Ward and 2K Games, both releasing statements (here & here) that affirm there are no plans to add Trophies to Call of Duty 4 and Civilization Revolution.
