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View Full Version : Capcom.co.jp lists Devil May Cry for PSP

July 4th, 2008, 16:02
Rumors that Devil May Cry would be theatrically shooting its way onto the PSP are about as old as the PSP itself. As far back as June 2005, Capcom discussed bringing Devil May Cry to the PSP along with nine other PSP titles; at that time, GameSpot wrote, "Devil May Cry [for the PSP] could see the light of day before 2006." By the time 2006 rolled around, still no sign of Devil May Cry for PSP, save for a mention on Capcom's Japanese website.

So here we are, two years on, and again we're seeing a mention of Devil May Cry for PSP on Capcom's Japanese site. Included at the top of a list of recently released and not-yet-released PSP games, "Devil May Cry" is alone in its absence of a release date, a price, or a linked website. Hit the Source link to see if it's still there or, just in case they've noticed that Dante crawled out of his cage and taken it down, we've got a screengrab after the break. Just a reminder: Capcom's E3 press conference is at 10:30ET on July 15th. Just saying ...


July 4th, 2008, 16:06
O Nice

July 4th, 2008, 16:08
Sounds cool, I remember there were a lot of people trying to get Devil May Cry on the PSP. Looks like you guys might get your wish.

July 4th, 2008, 16:11
I wonder how the Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Petition has been going.

July 4th, 2008, 16:34
I wonder how the Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Petition has been going.


Devil may cry at last:thumbup:, although my petition is not going that well:p

Hope it gets released, it would be so great

edit: nop petition is still at 4,332, the one for RE got more than 10,000

July 4th, 2008, 16:42

Devil may cry at last:thumbup:, although my petition is not going that well:p

Hope it gets released, it would be so great

edit: nop petition is still at 4,332, the one for RE got more than 10,000

Whyd you quote my post?

John Vattic
July 4th, 2008, 17:00
edit: nop petition is still at 4,332, the one for RE got more than 10,000

That's because devil may cry is emo. Rather hide in a closet from zombies than hide in a closet because gay emo kids are stalking. Both make similar noises. lmao

even though hella gay guy games suck ass , it's still good to see console-styled games for psp. the portable aspect is what killed the game sales, i bought psp to play things like i would on my ps2, not portable ds-styled-mini crap.

July 4th, 2008, 23:13
Whyd you quote my post?

cause you were asking about another petition to see if the game was going to be made

and I made the one for DMC

That's because devil may cry is emo. Rather hide in a closet from zombies than hide in a closet because gay emo kids are stalking. Both make similar noises. lmao

even though hella gay guy games suck ass , it's still good to see console-styled games for psp. the portable aspect is what killed the game sales, i bought psp to play things like i would on my ps2, not portable ds-styled-mini crap.

yeah sure, you're the emo

John Vattic
July 5th, 2008, 05:33
actually i'm militant-anti-government, but at least you're trying to think:thumbup:

July 5th, 2008, 11:05
yay! could this be the outcome of the petition ages ago?....