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View Full Version : Platformer Engine v0.01

July 7th, 2008, 17:38
Just spotted this over at wiibrew (http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Homebrew_apps)

This Basic Platformer Engine is an engine created by Doogie/Doogie_Forever

This was my first leap into C/C++ and there may be code which isn't optimized, code that
can be achieved much easier or more effeciently, etc.

If you find you can make any improvements in effeciency to the engine then please let me
know and I will get right on it as I want to learn how to make my games more effecient as

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Turn the WiiMote to its side (Like Super Paper Mario).

Left - Move Left
Right - Move Right
(2) - Jump

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Release, Alpha 0.01 : Contains basic collisions, two players.

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< FAQS >
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Q. Why release such an early engine?
A. Because I haven't seen any platformer engines on the WiiBrew.org website.

Q. This is crap, you can't do anything, whats the point in this?
A. Well its useful for coders who are learning C/C++ for the Wii, like myself.

Q. Should I be learning how to code like you?
A. No, I am a noob and I am most likely not coding very effeciently.

Q. I don't code, can I still see what it's like?
A. Yes, I have included the latest build in with the source-code.

Q. What are the variables image_index, image_speed, image_number for?
A. These are future variables which will allow me to set the sprites to animations (tiles).

Download Here (http://wii-news.dcemu.co.uk/pe_rev0.01.zip) and Give Feedback Via Comments