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View Full Version : Thanko wireless headphones for PSP

October 6th, 2005, 19:33
This was around the mainstream websites yesterday but i was waiting for a reputable PSP site with japanese connections/newsposters to post it and divulge more accurate information and luckily the rather excellent PSP Vault (http://www.psp-vault.com/) came to the rescue:

Thanko has announced the "PSP Wireless Headset," a set of wireless headphones you can use with your PSP. They're pretty cheap at 1,480 yen (~$13 USD), but there is also a pretty big downside: they don't support stereo audio. This is quite a downer for those of us who thought this would be really awesome to use with PSPRadio. FM is used to transmit the audio to the headphones, so you don't need to worry about it interfering with your WiFi.

Visit the site here --> http://www.thanko.jp/psp_wireless/index.html

October 6th, 2005, 20:42
wouldn't this work with any headphone jack?

October 7th, 2005, 01:45
who cares? Who wants to buy headphones that aren't even stereo? What a stupid idea...