View Full Version : DVD ripper

July 9th, 2008, 19:54
Wasn't there a software for free that you could burn your DVD's so that you put them on the psp? Not a conversion software but some kind of ripping software?

July 10th, 2008, 11:13
DVD decrypter.
DVDfab Decrypter (older versions)

I'm sure there are quite a few more.

July 10th, 2008, 17:07
That's what I meant! A decrypter! I will check those out. Thanks!!!!

July 11th, 2008, 11:48
No problem. :)

DVD Decrypter should be fine if you just want to rip/decrypt the vobs to your hard drive.

Some newer (mostly disney) DVDs have invalid information in the vts file and it breaks dvdshrink so it cannot shrink the DVD for you to burn.
I'm pretty sure ripit4me detects and corrects it automatically.
I've only encountered one disc like it, and I used an extra step (an app called fixVTS) in between dvd decrypter and dvdshrink.

If your going to be ripping the vobs and then encoding the video/audio streams into mpeg4 for the PSP then you shouldn't have any issues so long as you have some idea what you're doing (or are willing to search and read to learn).